Travis County Tax Office


Appointment Scheduling

The tax office books appointments 30 days in advance. If you select a service type and the calendar is blank, that means all appointments are full for the next 30 days. New dates open around 8:30 a.m. unless the next date falls on a weekend or holiday. 


The tax office serves a large population of customers in a crowded indoor setting, and we are committed to safety. Our current protocols include the following:

  • Mask requirements are subject to change.
  • We require our employees to stay home from work if they are sick and quarantine if they have been contact traced, are seeking testing or are directed to quarantine by their health provider. 
  • We practice physical distancing and the use of hand sanitizer, safety shields and frequent cleaning.
  • We operate by appointment only to avoid hundreds of people sitting close together for hours at a time. 
  • We limit the use of chairs in our lobby and have customers wait outside for their appointment when adequate space is not available. We recommend checking the weather before coming to our office and dressing so that you can comfortably wait outside if necessary. 

As of Aug. 12, 2021, by order of the Travis County Judge, masks are required in all Travis County Buildings. Anyone making an appointment must agree to enter our office and follow the protocols in place on the date of their appointment. Staffing shortages may occur due to health and safety measures in place to protect our employees and customers, and this can result in a longer than normal wait time for your appointment. 

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